An android tablet a day keeps the apples away.

Monday, July 12, 2010

New incompatible Apad emerges!

Warning – before buying a new Apad, read this:

Apad iRobot / Moonse E7001 Alternate Incompatible Blue LED Tablets have Emerged



on 07-08-2010 at 11:59 PM (291 Views)

(pictures from Slatedroid members who own the devices)
These tablets reportedly have blue LED charging lights instead of red, and require the top instead of the bottom mini-USB connection for firmware flashing.
The outer shell is identical to the plastic shell of the original Apad iRobot / Moonse E7001. There are NO distinguishable differences when the device is not powered on.
Some of these come in boxes with 'iWeb' printed. They have different PCBs than the Rockchip tablets most of the other users on Slatedroid have.
The origin of these units is currently unknown.
Users have discovered that any firmwares intended for the original Apad iRobot / Moonse E7001 cause issues with their Blue LED Apads, resulting in non-functional touchscreens. There may be other hidden issues. Do not flash the firmware for the Apad iRobot / Moonse E7001 onto the Blue LED Apad.
Details in this thread:
Internals of the Blue LED Apad:

Here are the internals of the original Apad iRobot / Moonse E7001 for comparison:

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Updated 07-09-2010 at 12:05 AM by xaueious

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