An android tablet a day keeps the apples away.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

List of Rockchip Apad custom Roms

Custom Roms For 7", 9V, Red Led, MD01-V6.0, 3.27 Bootloader Only!

Here Is Custom Roms For People That Bricked Their Devices After Flashing With:
Roger Braun, Xaueious, Donaldson, HiApad Firmware
Make sure your device are:
1. Apad iRobot
2. 7" screen
3. Aluminium back with oval "iRobot" logo
4. 9V charger/power adaptor/power supply
5. Red Led
6. MD01-V6.0 mainboard
7. 3.27 Bootloader
8. build number RK-1.3.2.eng.root.20100729.130751
Default firmware here 0802CN
Below are the custom roms created by respective rom cooker, thanks goes to them..
Keep in mind that these roms are using the same bootloader and kernel.

RB Hybrid 5.1 for MD01-v6.0 based on [ROM] Hybrid custom firmware for aPad 5.1, batch 2 red LED only (July 3rd)
RB Hybrid 6.0 beta for MD01-v6.0 based on [ROM] Hybrid 6 beta test (Batch 2)
DonaldsonV4 for MD01-v6.0(MERCURY) based on DonaldsonV4
HKX1.3.3R2 for MD01-v6.0 based on Xaueious HKX1.3.3R2(+SU.apk)
I've also had problem with the Market, but its not hard to fix, if its closed or kick you out..just set up date,time & location, sign in to google..wait until it finish synced with the server and try invoke the market again..if still kick you out..just reboot and reboot and try again..once you get ToC then its okay..


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